Thursday, April 29, 2010
Apple vs. Flash
The Business Insider had some interesting things to say about the Apple vs. Flash battle.
Testing some of what Jobs has said.
Bruce Tinnin: The Art of Business
The event was held at Laguna Gloria. The idea for the Austin Museum of Art and HBMG event is an art show of work done by c-level and senior executives at companies in the Austin area. The pieces are part of a silent auction and the proceeds are all given to charity.
Here are some pics from the event.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friends of the Studio 1: Kevin Smith
But the most obvious person to start this off with would be director and all-around great guy, Kevin Smith, without whom the animation studio might not exist at all.
In 2002, Powerhouse animated a short called Heroes that Brad Graeber had written for a contest that parodied Marvel Comics:
It might be a little hard to watch now, but keep in mind this was 2002 and we were working in Flash 3.
It was fun to work on. We all did voices. It was also a break from some pretty lean times. Due to the recent downturn in traditional feature film and television animation work, there wasn't a lot of work coming into the studio and we had not paid ourselves in quite a while.
According to animation studio mythology, Frank Gabriel sent it to a friend to see it before we submitted it to contest just to see what he thought. That friend sent it to a friend, who sent it to a friend and so on and so forth. And somehow it made it all the way to Joe Quesada, EIC at Marvel.
The next morning when we came in we had several phone calls and e-mails from our internet service provider. We were a small studio and we only had an entry level website. We had gone 2GBs over our bandwidth allocation. The fines were terribly high for each MB we went over the limit. We were feverishly taking down the site and trying to figure out what happened. The fines were certainly not in our budget. Then the phone rang. It was Kevin Smith. At first we thought it was a joke, but it wasn't. It was the start of a relationship that lasted for several years and could not have happened at a better time.
The first thing we did was animate a commercial that was never produced for the film Dogma called Hosties.
At the time, we had also made a MAME cabinet that ran off of Flash. Due the previously mentioned "lean times" we were trying to sell the idea to companies to make arcade machines that played Flash games and demo reels for their lobbies. We even made an online commercial to promote it:
Mr. Smith had seen this and asked if we could make a version for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez as a wrap party present for the film Jersey Girl. We wrote a proposal, which Kevin then took and added a bunch of gags and inside jokes and developed the script. We also sent ideas for a Dogma game and a game based off of the Clerks animated series. We had 8 weeks till the wrap of the film, where Kevin wanted to give the arcade machine to them.

After NY we installed the other machine in the Jay and Silent Bob Secret Stash store in Red Bank. We met with Kevin, and for the first time started talking about the animated film. We got swag to take to the people back at the studio, Kevin signed a book "next stop feature film." It was pretty exciting.

When we got back from the trip, if I remember correctly we slept for a couple of days. Then we had a barrage of calls and requests from press outlets. Here are some clips from that:
We talked budget for a film with Kevin and Scott Mosier, and did a 35mm test for the film to be produced in Flash. This was kind of a new idea at the time so they wanted to see what it would look like. Jason Mewes was not available at the time to do voice work, so we used audio from the Flying Car piece mixed with audio from the Empire Strikes back.
The piece might have some issues, but we are still proud that it was done in a few weeks by 4 guys out of pieced together audio.
We had the footage put to 35mm film and sent to LA, and we flew out and watched it at the Miramax lot with Kevin, Scott Mosier, and by Chris Bailey who had directed the cartoon series.

We next wrote some more budgets for the flick but things stalled. We don't know if it was due to the test or if anybody else saw the 35mm print. We went to a couple of comic conventions with Kevin and co. and showed Heroes, Hosties, and the film test to throngs of Kevin's fans. We got to meet folks like Ming, Brian O'Halloran,Bob Chapman, and Jason Mewes. Kevin really surrounds himself with good people, and though we were definitely on the periphery of the circle, it was a great group of people to be around.

Next we animated the Lost Scene for the Clerks X dvd. I don't know if is some weird universal constant for View Askew projects, but we had 8 weeks on this project as well...which was 8 minutes of animation. Despite the tight timeline, we worked more with Kevin, Phil, and Scott, going over gags and boards which made the piece even more enjoyable to work on. Rolling Stone said the piece was the "best bonus feature of 2004"
Over the next few years we would run into Kevin in events here in Austin. Brad flew to New York to attend a pre-screening of Clerks 2 and his Captain Capitalism cartoons ran on Kevin's Moviepoopshoot site. We took the studio to see Clerks 2 at SXSW when Kevin came and gave a talk. We attended a midnight screening of House Party II with Kevin at the Alamo. We met with Kevin's agent at Endeavour to talk about the film and possibly doing shorts. We wrote several budgets and would pitch ideas to Kevin and co. on how we could possibly do things. We heard that there were issues with the Clerks cartoon and Disney and Miramax due to the split.
Eventually things fizzled out. We have not heard from Kevin for a while.
We don't know what happened to the Jen Saves Ben arcade machine. And yes, people ask us that every time.
That being said, it was those jobs in the beginning and the recognition that they gave us that allowed a 5 person studio to survive a time when traditional animation was almost dead. It allowed us to become the successful 30+ people studio that we are today. For that we will always be indebted to Kevin Smith.
So, much love and props to Kevin Smith...and, sir, if you ever want to pick that flick up or those characters in shorts again, please do give us a call. We got more folks now, you should see what we can do in 8 weeks.
Monday, April 26, 2010
RISK Reviews

Powerhouse is very excited to be working with EA, and had a great time being the animation studio on this project.
Here are some links to some of the reviews:
And here are some of the videos they have released:
We love working on video game cinemas and have a few others we are working on for some other console games. Unfortunately, it is too early to talk about them, but stay tuned.
PHA Anniversary Party
To celebrate we held a shindig that had the theme of a 9-year-olds birthday party (Rachel Citron's idea).

Apropos to the theme we had a pin-the-tail on the donkey game.

At our party the donkey was actually a mule. Jasper the Mule to be exact. The game was an homage to one of our favorite current projects, a series of DVDs starring the eponymous equine. It was only fitting that the Director of those pieces, Doug Beck, was the winner.

And took home the trophy...

Friday, April 23, 2010
Bloodsnake's Wedding

We also have some video of the crew dancing...but we'll just leave that to the reader's imagination.
Image of the Week: Commerce Bank-- Penny Arcade

Here is our animation studio's very own Jason Williams with one of the machines. Jason lived and worked for Powerhouse from New York for 6 months in 2006.
Commerce is now TD Bank, and Powerhouse retooled the animation for the coin counters and for the TD Bank Wowzone.
Powerhouse seems to have a weird relationship with the phrase Penny Arcade, which we imagine does not come up that often in other people's lives.
Penny Arcade Cinemas Episode 1
Penny Arcade Cinemas Episode 2
Luck of the Draw
We started out as doing caricatures of our fellow employees:
Here a some links to some of the roasts. CAUTION: theses are full of inside jokes: Frank Gabriel, Brad Graeber, Bruce Tinnin, Doug Beck, Jason Williams, Krishna Jain, Sam Deats, Megan Kluck, Ronnie Williford, Cindy Crowell, Louie Granda, Shane Minshew, Ryan Cullen, Charles Kohlmeyer, Micah Lincoln, Rachel Citron, Patrick Quiring, Ed Booth, Jessie Pyles, Sam Lotfi, Stephanie McCrea, Adam Deats, Mary Brown, Jeff Freeman, Chris Beaver, Aaron Romo, Phil Knoll.
Eventually, we ran out of employees so we bought a raffle drum and everyone threw in a topic.

Some of the topics we have had so far are:
Robots Performing Menial Tasks, Flamingoes Throughout History, Geometric Celebrities, Powerhouse Smurfs, Bizarro Powerhouse!, Bowling Alley Animations, Animal Evolution, 90s Sitcom, Alternative Media Animals, Mythological Creatures in Mundane Context.
Most of the work we do is traditional animation or Flash animation. We find that this really helps people experiment with styles, new media, and stretch their design muscles when doing character design. At an animation studio, sometimes you end up working on a project and drawing the same thing for weeks, months, even years. This gives us a chance to keep everybody sharp.
You can check out more of the Luck of the Draws as we do them on the employee-run “Phetchblog”, where you can also see other sketches our folks are doing in their spare time
Friday, April 9, 2010
Our first blog post
It might have taken us 9 years to get here, but better late than never, right?
We have been keeping a news section at the website if you want to learn more about the animation studio.