Just got back from Comic Con. If you have not yet been to the big one in San Diego, we highly suggest you make the trip. It is like nothing else. Don't believe us? Here are a couple that still don’t do justice to the sheer insanity:

We were mainly there to support our friends at Sony Online Entertainment.

It was very exciting to see the debut of the new Blur cinema and to watch the fans play the game. We were already excited about the game, but the energy at the con about the game has us more excited than ever.
If you have not seen the new cinema, you can watch it here:
We got to attend some Sony panels and listen to fans ask about the game.
Sony directors Mike Daubert, Kris Kao, and Jens Anderson.
We also got a chance to catch up with other folks we have worked with including Frank Cho, William Vaughn, and Stephen Silver (below) who had some great classes promoting his Schoolism project.

We also got a chance to meet new folks, like Homie creator, David Gonzales
Hope everyone had a good con, see you next year.