On May 25th, in honor of Towel Day (the intergalactic holiday celebrating Douglas Adams), Hothead posted a blog entry in honor of the great writer, and triumphantly announced that they have a new interactive edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the works! Don't believe me?? Check out their awesome launch page!

Powerhouse is in the process of producing a number of animated pieces for this and we could not be more excited about it. Stay tuned to see what Hothead has in store...
In the meantime, they have also released a first look at their upcoming DeathSpank sequel called... (wait for it)... THE BACONING. Yes, you heard me right. Check out the trailer and pay special attention to the awesomely bacon-tastic logo-- Powerhouse worked with the folks at Hothead to design this, and we think it's just delicious.

We wanted to give a shout out and congratulations to the Hothead team. They are always great to work with, and we are looking forward to these exciting new projects!
Stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks as Brad and Rachel venture to LA for e3...